Change the Power – (Em)Power to Change: Local
Authorities towards the SDGs and Climate Justice


Programma: Europe Aid – DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising)

Lead: Climate Alliance
Climate Alliance Austria
Climate Alliance Hungary / Reflex
Climate Alliance Italy
NES – Netzwerk Entwicklungspolitik im Saarland e.V.
Climate Alliance Luxembourg / ASTM
City of The Hague
IGEMO Intercommunale
City of Hasselt
COSPE Onlus – together for change
Federal State of Carinthia, Austria
City of Munich
Nadace Partnerstvi
Győr-Moson-Sopron County
City of Nagykanizsa
Focus Eco Center
City of Daruvar
ISA, Instituto Sociambiental

Durata: 3 anni (2018-2020)





This page website was created and maintained in the frame of the project “Change the Power – (Em)Power to Change: Local Authorities towards the SDGs and Climate Justice” with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Climate Alliance Italy and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.